Chapter 181: Lynzees Part 1

A pair of white wings float a foot from my face.

We stare at each other for a second before it flutters back, another set of wings joining it. They circle one another, keeping mere feet from me as a third adds to the mix. Suddenly, I'm hit like a windstorm, the dream playing out again. This - this is what she meant.

We are Lynzees, a soft voice echoes musically in my head, messengers of the Lost Princesses.

You must come with us, another sings, you are expected.

By who? I ask internally.

The one who calls for you, the third answers. The one who has been calling for you.

I glance around the city. The bridges are lit up with jars of the oversized fireflies, some glowing through the cracks in the swollen Eckle trunks, illuminating the homes around Zinnollo. Everything is still. Quiet. The others are probably in their own homes or grouped together in Sampson's. I think about telling someone about the Lynzees... about what I'm about to do so they don't worry.