Chapter 185: Admittance Part 3

It's still dark outside.

Reid is on top of me, asleep. One arm lays over my chest and the other is hanging off the bed. My eyes hurt. They're swollen and stiff, like I spent the night with them open. Staring up at the wooden ceiling, I try recalling why they feel this way. And everything comes flooding back. Everything Clarence told me - about my great-great-grandmother and everything in between. About who I am, about my true past, something Granny Ruth never told me. The same sharp sting returns and suddenly, it's hard to breathe. I don't know why I feel like this. I'm the same as I was yesterday...except not really. Nothing has changed and everything has.

Reid stirs.

I peel his arm off me and carefully slide out from under him. Crossing the small space, I move past the curtain and head out into the crisp morning air. Peering out to the lush green canopy, I breathe in the cold, trying to find the equilibrium I lost since Clarence told me the truth.