Chapter 191: Curiosity Part 2

A quiet moment passes when I realize what Mae must've endured. What she must have felt. And the fact that she's a five-percent means the impact of the fall...

"Those bitches," Pratt glares. "I'd kill every one of them."

"Get in line," I mutter, deadly and low.

Mae sniffles again. "I just don't understand. I never did anything to them. I wasn't anyone!" she looks between us. "I was invisible!"

"They're just mean bitches who had nothing better to do," Pratt growls.

"And then," Mae hiccups, "and then I saw Clarence. It was the first thing I remember. He was helping me up and telling me about the war. He told me I was out there because I was probably searching for food. When we got our memories back..." she lets out a trembling breath, "I remember what happened."

"Jesus," I rub my hand down her arm, soothing.

"I just..." she shakes her head, "I don't understand why they did it. I was nobody," she whispers. "Nobody." She stars crying again and I pull her into another hug.