Chapter 201: Arrival Part 3

"We're good," I whisper, turning to him. "Booker, I can understand them. They said they captured one of the humans."


I shrug and after a moment, realize something that could help us greatly. Placing a finger up to request a moment, I close my eyes and focus on Sampson. I can do this. I did it before and I can do it now.

Sampson - can you hear me?

A moment passes.

Fallon? Sampson's worried voice fills my head. Thank goodness you're alright. Where are you?

With Booker. We're still by the beach. Are the Zingfinolds coming?

Yes, they should be there any minute. Are you safe?

For now. Did everyone else make it back?

Everyone except you, Booker and Jace.

I inhale. It's Jace. They've got Jace.

Listen, Sampson, I can understand the Vermix. I don't know how, but I can hear what they're saying... or thinking. Something.