Chapter 205: Pregame Part 1

"With the Brulilies?" I ask.

Warze nods.

"From all the way up here?" Booker retrieves his from his pocket. "And we only have two."

Warze narrows his eyes on it before lifting his hands up, indicating the trees around us. "Brulily all over forest, if know where to look."

"But we're so far away..." I focus on the ground. "Will it reach them?"

"With good shot," he looks down, then back to us. "You take power and break," he gestures something crumbling in his hands. "Piece by piece. Together, thieves strong but broken..." he shakes his head. "Crumbles."

"Like earlier," Booker looks at me. "When you shot at them and they all scrambled. I was able to get Jace because they were broken up. We can do the same."

"You did that?" Reid raises a brow, his lips curving up.

"Human right," Warze nods. "Broken is crumbles... Brulily makes easy silent death. Zingfinolds," he points around, indicating the trees again, "as one, we strike thieves, break apart piece by piece."