Chapter 219: Discovery Part 1

Clarence is the first to speak. "Princess, you don't need to do this. You - "

"Do not tell me what I need. I know what I need," Varielle scowls with a loathing glare at each of us. "I need to be rid of your putrid existence. I need my mother to finally understand that her political stance only brings death and destruction. I need to be brave for my people, to make this sacrifice so I can take my place as the true queen next to the future leader of Mybyncia."

"Please..." Ariana struggles with her restraints. "Varielle... you must understand this cannot possibly - "

"You never understood," she whips back, keeping half of her focus on us and half on her sister. "You always believed in the sanctity of the Arizals! You see what their alliance has given us? Invasions! War! I only want to protect Mybyncia. That is all I have ever wanted. This needs to be done."