Chapter 222: Aftermath & Decisions Part 1

I'm surprised how much Zinnollo has been damaged. Parts of the trunk-bridges have melon-sized holes blasted through them while tiny, narrow indentions mar their knotted texture. And it's the same everywhere I look - evidence of Traxpires and whips mark the city like a disease. A recent, rampant, nearly fatal virus that ran its course through Zinnollo leaving a handful of survivors.

I'm afraid to ask what this battle cost the Zingfinolds.

We arrive to the king's home first and find Jothkore, Vix and Qippert. Ariana sits beside Tucker who has been laid out on a long red cushion next to a few other tribesmen. Hozfin himself sits in his throne, listening as Qippert, Jothkore and Vix explain everything that happened toward the end of the battle, when the Mybyncians arrived. Everyone looks up as we enter.

"King Hozfin," Sampson approaches with a quick bow. He glances at the other Dofinikes, before taking a deep breath. "There has been an attack on Gwhenderlin and Vhelsbern."