Chapter 233: The Great Reveal Part 3

You have seen what you are meant to.

You know what you must do, another says.

You have seen your future, the third adds. Now it is up to you to get there. It is up to you to fulfill it.

Shock and adrenaline course through my body, awakening me, registering this vital truth. This is the Great Reveal.

"It was always me. He saw me killing him and that's what started it all."

I wait for their confirmation, but the Lost Princesses simply stare.

"But... but what if I can't do it?" I look up, blinking into their glassy eyes. "What if I fail?"

What you saw must be proof that fate unfolds as it was designed. If you believe in it - and yourself - you will not fail. You will succeed in fulfilling the prophecy as it was declared those two hundred years ago.

I inhale a heavy breath. "So I'll have to kill Reuzkimpart."

It is the way it must be.

A quiet moment passes.