Chapter 236: The Twelfth Test Part 3

The lake sits secluded amongst the Eckles, hidden beneath a ceiling of branches and bulbs, cloaked by the walls of mossy trunks. No larger than a few yards in each direction, the basin boasts clear, fresh water, its limestone floor visible through the undisturbed surface.

"Tucker found it," Reid releases my hand and walks toward the lake. He rubs the back of his neck and then crosses his arms. He throws me a look. "Beautiful, huh?"


"Stumbled upon it one day. No one was out here," he shrugs at the innocent nature of the discovery. "Just begging to be swam in."

"Did you?"

He shakes his head, gazing out at the crystal blue water. A breeze dances past, sending waves rippling across the glassy surface.

"Who else knows?"

"Possibly the Zingfinolds," Reid stops to think. Then nods. "Definitely the Zingfinolds. And maybe a certain mayan. But they rarely come by," he fully turns around, his gaze locking onto me now. "From what I can tell, it's actually pretty private."