Chapter 241: Surprises Part 1


"No one likes the idea of relocating the Gifts. No one even likes the idea of this war, but they understand that if we can tempt the Vermix here, it will be the greatest chance we have to defeat them. If they don't come, though, there is nothing keeping the others from attacking Dellapalania. I have asked that they wait," he glances at King Hozfin, "that we try to capture Reuzkimpart one last time. All have agreed. If he doesn't come... then the war shall be brought to him."

I turn to Reid. He's focused on the floor, lost in thought.

"So we're leaving tomorrow, bright and early," Pratt announces. "Heading back to Mybyncia for one last go."

"It'll be interesting to return," Mae comments, her soft voice wavering slightly. It's no secret that she never did settle into the water planet's environment well. "Have we decided how long we'll be staying?"