Chapter 250: Reveals Part 4

"What happened?" Able drops to the ground, his eyes focused on the huge gash in her leg.

"Musko shot her," Tucker pants. "Just now."

"Fuck!" Able hisses. He twists around, looking for something. "We need to-to find a-a tourniquet."

"And we got company," Jace spins, reaching for his Enidd. He shoots the two Muskos who have jumped off their Millix. One falls but the other advances and Reid turns, firing on him.

"Hold on," Able shifts, trying to locate something to stop the bleeding. But there's nothing. The nearby fauna isn't long enough to create a tourniquet. We need something made of fabric, something with length.

"I got it." I remove my helmet and toss it to the side before peeling off my suit.

"Fallon!" Reid glances back with a yell. "What are you doing?!"