Chapter 253: A New Strategy Part 2

"WHAT!" Pratt screams with such force that I'm sure everyone in the Great Hall can hear it. "OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!" she races over and jumps onto the bed with us. "Tell me everything! What happened? How did he do it? Was he down on one knee? Did you start crying?"


"Do you have a ring?" she looks at my left hand and frowns.

"I don't need - "

"He's going to get you one anyway," she throws her arms around me in a tight hug. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you," I'm laughing again, completely stunned by her reaction.

"So how'd he do it? I want details!"

"Me too!"

"Well..." I start and then stop. Shit. How do I tell them without telling them? And what will I say when everyone else asks how Reid popped the question? Do I admit the truth? "Well..."

"DETAILS!" Pratt demands.

"We were sort of... in the middle of things."

Both girls pause.

"He didn't..." Mae turns red again, "...while you two were...?"



"Really?" Pratt makes a face. "During sex?"