Chapter 268: Heartbeats Part 4

"Tell me that was real! Tell me Walker actually kissed you!"

"What?" I glance back at the entry-way, momentarily confused. Were they there the whole time? Did they see everything? "Keep it down."

"Reid is going to freak."

"We're not telling Reid."

"You're not?" Mae asks.

"She can't. But oh man this is so epic!" Pratt falls onto the bed. Grabbing her stomach, she kicks her feet and barks out a laugh. "Walker actually went for it! I didn't think he would - but he did!"

"We weren't eavesdropping or anything," Mae is quick to explain. She joins me at the curtain, helping me straighten it as though the solid fabric wall will keep our conversation indoors. "We heard you shouting and when we came over..." she lowers her voice and leans in. "Are you sure you don't want to tell Reid?"

"She really can't," Pratt sits up. "Reid would kill Walker. Like, for real. Literally kill him. And I'm starting to warm up to the guy, so it's probably best she doesn't."

Mae frowns at me.