Chapter 275: Deliberations Part 1

Hozfin sits in his wooden throne, his furry fingers tapping the carved armrest as he surveys his company before him. Representatives from the Three Worlds are seated on the king's floor in a lopsided oval, surrounding a center filled with food. Bowls of green and yellow melons have been placed between slabs of roasted Horrop and cups fashioned from bark and fruit. Along with a select number of Zingfinolds, the rest of us are lining the wooden walls, observing the highly anticipated meeting.

"Please," the Fychu gestures to the bountiful display. "I hope there is no need to insist that you help yourselves to some food."

"Such interesting cuisine..." Chancellor Keller examines the assortment. He scans the fruit first, and then eyes the meat suspiciously.

"You may enjoy the roasted Horrop," Blovid suggests. "Excellent flavoring."

Still uncertain, the chancellor meets the king's eye. "We have brought a few jugs of Hunnis. As a gift."

"What this Hunnis?"