Chapter 278: Second Battle of Nerwolix Part 2

Warze sidles back and forth across the entrance, like a panther protecting his den. When he sees us, he indicates the curtain. "Inside."

The king's home is teeming with tribegirls and young males, most of whom are gesturing outside, arguing about going out to help. But Hozfin sits on his throne, body still and eyes scanning everyone. His focus drifts to Walker.

"Brother Walker," he gestures him forward.

The tribesman is reluctant to let go of our hands, but eventually acquiesces. When he does, Pratt races toward the small cluster of boys. I think she's talking with Zeed, but I can't hear what they're saying. She's nodding and he's shaking his head, his face filled with pain and fury. With Walker and Pratt distracted, I finally have a moment to think, to sort everything out. To assess the situation.