Chapter 280: The Burning of Zinnollo Part 2

"Larupip," I turn to the others, trying to remain as calm as possible. Maybe if I believe it, they will too. "Clarence said he'd meet us there. We'll go, protect the Gift..." Everyone stares at me with the same uncertainty that I feel, but I can't show it. I need to be strong. For myself. For them. "We have to go. Now."

"We can't just leave," Tucker scoffs, gesturing around him. "What about the others?"

"I - "

Someone screams. Sharp crackling invades the king's home and suddenly, the curtain is ablaze. The closest tribesmen rush forward and one flattens the drape to the wall, knocking into it over and over, trying to put out the flames. But he falls forward, a hole blasted through his chest. Another scream. Orange explosions rip through the king's home, hitting the back wall, igniting it in fire. And suddenly, the other tribesmen fly back, thrown across the space by an invading Vermix.