Chapter 282: Old Allies Part 2

"Pobo?" I drop the gun.

"No Pobo," his nasally voice corrects. "No, no Pobo. Pallooloo."

The Rogues look to one another, each lowering their Traxpire. Walker is the only one who keeps his up. "What is this thing?"

"It's a Pwebole," Reid says. "Natives of the planet."

"They friendly?" Walker is hesitant to lower his weapon.

"When they're not attacking you," Able mutters.

"It's fine. They're not going to hurt us," I turn to the Pwebole king. "Are you?"

"Pallooloo see Dofinikes arrive. Pallooloo warn others," he scurries closer. "Humans friends with Arizals; Pobo advises Pallooloo not to harm."

Walker slowly lowers his Traxpire.

The Pwebole king moves closer to me. His blue eyes flicker between mine and he sniffs through his giant cobalt snout. "Pallooloo remembers you. Pallooloo captured by Vermix and saw you." He turns his attention on Reid. "Pallooloo remembers you too. Pallooloo remembers you and Fychu save Pallooloo and human."