Chapter 291: Farewell Part 2

The sunshine feels good on my face.

After being cooped up in the FH so long, the cool outside air is a much-welcomed break. I haven't felt comfortable like this in a while. Not since everything went downhill at the invasion. We nearly froze to death on Larupip and Arosin has a suffocating way about its heat. But this...walking the Mybyncian shore...this this feels nice. Even if it is a prelude to what comes next.

Sampson has been silent.

I've never seen him like this.

Reid said once Clarence and Jothkore were brought to Mybyncia, Sampson had barely spoken a word. Not about them or the Gifts or about anything relevant. And it's been two days. Reid doesn't say it, but I think he's worried. More than worried. Sampson has never acted this way but again we've never lost anything so crucial. Or anyone so close.

Clarence is gone.

Jothkore is gone.

Reuzkimpart has the Shadow Bag and the Floating Ruby.

Things are the worst they have been.