Chapter 26: Night Before The Blood Moon

Chen Chen thought for a moment. A long-range weapon plus 30 pounds of meat was indeed an attractive offer.

He had a big family now, but it was still a little painful to take out so many things at once.

Chen Chen held his chin with his hand. "The fact that One Slash Of Heaven can take out so many things at once shows that he must have obtained the superpower fruit before."

Chen Chen did not lack basic survival items now. If he could eat another superpower fruit, his development would be much smoother in the future.

After thinking about it, he sent a message to Pancake Dog.

[Private message with Pancake Dog.]


Chen Zhen: How about this? I will give you 35 pounds of meat and strengthen the shelter's defense for you. You can sell the superpower fruit to me.

Pancake Dog: Brother Chen, there will be a radiation outbreak tomorrow. I've seen it on the trading channel, and there's no blueprint for strengthening the shelter now. There are no nails or wood in the blueprint. How are you going to enhance it?

Chen Zhen: I can give you two options. First, we're only halfway through today. There will definitely be other people from other underground shelters who find the blueprint later. You can exchange the meat I gave you for the blueprint. I'll provide you with nails and wood. However, the amount of meat will be 30 pounds.

Chen Zhen: Second, do not strengthen the shelter for the time being. I will make two spike strips that can surround your shelter. We have found so many strengthening blueprints today. If you survive the seventh day, the value will definitely be much lower. The same goes for bows and arrows. After You Survive, you can get everything at a meager price.

Chen Zhen: [Wooden spike strip. jpg]


Looking at the conversation in front of him, Pancake Dog fell into deep thought. Chen Zhen did not hold back in his analysis. All the advantages and disadvantages were clearly laid out. He no longer considered the conditions of splitting open the sky with one sword. Now, he had to choose one of Chen Zhen's two options.

Bows and arrows indeed required a very high foundation. Even if he took the bow, it would not be of any use for a short period of time. Since that was the case, he would get through the seventh day. When the price of the bow dropped, he could buy it at a low price.

Of the two plans, Chen Zhen proposed, the first one was more stable, but the benefits were much less.

The second effect was debatable, but his gains would be even greater after surviving the seventh day.

Pancake Dog was a freshman and still held his ideals close to the heart. After thinking for a long time, he finally gritted his teeth. "Try it! Bury the horse under the ground and put two more rows. The beasts have no room to exert their strength. The shelter should be able to hold!"


After sending the message, Chen Chen went back to work. He still had to install another half of the spike strip.

Not long after, Pancake Dog sent a message.

Pancake Dog: Brother Chen, I choose the second option. I think your spike strip is very strong. Other people wouldn't be able to replicate it without your superpower. This is equivalent to an additional strengthening opportunity. I decided to take a gamble.

Pancake Dog: Brother Chen, when should we make the deal. I will not break the deal. I just think that it will be very troublesome to rent it. It is best to finish it all at once.

Chen Zhen: Before 3 pm. I will remind you when I am done.

Chen Zhen: Oh right, you should not go out now that you have the superpower fruit. Beasts are obsessed with it.


The length and width of the shelter were only three meters. It was elementary for Chen Chen to make a strip that circled the shelter twice. Quickly, he assembled it for Pancake Dog.

At 1:50 pm, Chen Chen was finished. Because of the restrictions of outdoor trading, the two finally chose to rent it and did a few things.

The super peach was finally in his hands!

However, Chen Chen was not in a hurry to eat it. Instead, he took out the wooden treasure chest and placed the fruit inside.

Once the super fruit was picked, it would release its aura. This aura had a fatal attraction to wild beasts. Chen Chen wanted to see if he could block that aura with the wooden treasure chest.

After placing the super peach inside the wooden chest, Chen Chen looked at the bees dancing in the room. The Bees actually gradually stopped their excitement.

Chen Chen smiled. "Good! Since we can block them, we can make a big deal tonight."

He then completed the remaining Frisian horses.

After spending more than an hour assembling, Chen Chen fanned out the Frisian horses. He dug out the corresponding pit for the base, placed the wooden spines inside, and filled the soil back in to tamp it down.

The barricade itself was very heavy, and they could resist each other when placed in rows. Chen Chen fixed it in place. Even a wild beast like a hippo would find it difficult to break through the barricade.

After finishing the defense outside, he had little time to go outdoors. He immediately returned to the shelter.

After returning, Chen Chen began to make arrows like the crossbow arrows that came with them.

He had iron and wood, but the feathers were a little troublesome. Chen Chen directly exchanged all the feathers on the trading channel.

The production speed for arrows was very fast. Chen Chen could craft one in three minutes, but the quality was not high. Most of them were good arrows with 70% quality, and only a few could reach 80%, which was excellent quality.

However, this was not a problem. In Chen Chen's plan, the accuracy of these ordinary crossbow arrows was not necessary. After mass-produced them, he could always shoot a few more times and succeed. It was the same for the less powerful ones. After shooting a few more times, the beast would eventually fall.

As for the ten modern arrows that came with it, he had to use them on the blade. He would only use these if ordinary arrows could not complete them.

After crafting 50 arrows in a row, Chen Chen got up and began to eat.

A little full after eating, he continued crafting arrows.

After completing 30 arrows, Chen Chen got up to familiarize himself with the Cheetah M58.

"Sharpening the spear at the last minute is faster."

Just like that, Chen Chen began the cycle of making arrows and practicing crossbow skills.

The wedding flight of the mutant bee king in the middle was finally over, and it flew back to the shelter. Chen Chen immediately arranged a place to live and let the other bees take care of the mutant queen bee.

The mutant queen bee finished eating, rested, and finally began its only work一lay eggs.

It wasn't until 10:30 that night that Chen Chen stopped working, covered with a duvet, and lay on the table to sleep.


Chen Chen finally woke up from his slumber as his hand became numb.

If he listened carefully, there seemed to be a wolf howling outside. Perhaps he was woken up by its howl.

Looking at the time, it was already 2:10 am.

Chen Chen looked out of the window. The night sky was different from before. A blood moon hung in the sky, and the red light shone on the table through the window.

Chen Chen took out the super peach and placed it on the table. He then released 1,000 bees to investigate the situation.

Then, Chen Chen wrapped himself in a duvet and began to warm up his body.

Gradually, the wolf howls got closer and closer, and it seemed that there were other wild beasts' cries. The super fruit attracted these wild beasts.

Soon, the eight wolves came to the shelter together. When they saw the eight wolves in the shelter, they became even more manic一the players were the food they desired.