Chapter 38: Wilderness Hunter

After returning to the shelter and closing the door, Chen Chen finally calmed down.

"Two arrows hit me. I don't think I can hold on for long."

Chen Chen wiped his sweat and carried Yuan Zi up to the second floor, "Although the wildebeest won't run away after it goes mad, it is still unusual for such a strange animal to go mad. No one in the world forum has ever mentioned such a thing. Wild animals should be less irritable when they eat grass.

"It also runs so well after being hit by two arrows. Is it because of the wildebeest's body constitution, or is there something wrong with it?"

Generally speaking, animals going mad would not increase their strength significantly. It was only because they would attack players in a frenzy that they were a greater threat.

Only a mutated beast would completely change its form and increase its strength greatly.

After going up to the second floor, Chen Chen leaned against the windowsill and looked at the wildebeest below.

He saw that it was still full of vigor and vitality, ramming against the wildebeest as if he had gone mad. The second arrow that Chen Chen shot at its back had already fallen to the ground.

Chen Chen shook his head. "It's definitely not normal."

"However, if it continues to go crazy like this, it will die sooner or later. There's no need to worry about it."

After saying that, Chen Chen looked at his own arm. He had pounced too hard on the ground just now, and his arm was scratched.

"It's not a big problem. I'll find a band-aid and put it on. Then, I'll quietly wait for the death of the wildebeest. Just sit and collect the spoils of war." As he said that, Chen Chen brought Yuan Zi downstairs.

Actually, what he did not know was that the reason for this wildebeest's strong vitality was mainly because it ate a superpower fruit when it was still slightly mad.

When the superpower fruit was not picked, it would not emit any smell. However, this wildebeest ate it while it was searching for food. It could only be said that it was extremely lucky.

After eating the super fruit, the wildebeest suppressed its violent aura a little. While its strength increased greatly, its mind was still clear.

After Chen Chen shot the wildebeest with an arrow, the wildebeest immediately went berserk and blew away its little bit of rationality.


After putting on the band-aid, Chen Chen checked the trading channel and wanted to exchange for some good things.

But not long after, Chen Chen heard a loud cow's cry. It was so powerful that Chen Chen was shocked.

Chen Chen looked at Roly Poly, who was still eating the bamboo calmly.

Chen Chen:"..."

Was this the confidence of an iron-eating beast? It was not afraid at all.

In fact, when Chen Chen was outside, Roly Poly had been waiting anxiously at the door, but Chen Chen did not let it out of the shelter, so it could only whine.

Now it seemed that it was not afraid of Chen Chen but worried about him.

This might have something to do with the panda's strength. It had no natural predators in the wild, and it ate little meat, so the panda had developed a lazy and friendly personality.

Chen Chen quickly climbed up to the second floor, took down a temperature control window, and looked outside.

He saw that the wildebeest had broken through two rows of spike barriers, and was now standing in the middle, mooing. The muscles on its body were trembling crazily, and its four legs were thumping the ground.

Then, Chen Chen saw that the arrow that he had shot into the wildebeest's stomach was actually being slowly forced out by it.

At the same time, the wildebeest's four hooves began to turn gray.

The corner of Chen Chen's eyes twitched. He could see that the bovine was transforming into a mutated beast!

Chen Chen quickly took out a crossbow, loaded it with a super-fiber arrow, and aimed it at the wildebeest.


The arrow pierced into the wildebeest's back but was quickly forced out by it.

Moreover, the wildebeest stomped on the ground wildly, breaking an arrow.

Chen Chen's heart ached. He only had ten modern arrows.

Chen Chen waved his hand and directly summoned 5000 little bees, letting these little bees attack the wildebeest.

The wildebeest was almost fully mutated, so the cowhide certainly could not pierce through, but at least it could let the bees sting its face and stab its eyes.

Chen Chen also took out a large bundle of arrows that he had made himself. These arrows were all perfect grades. Although they were still not as good as super-fine arrows, their effects were much better than the arrows that shot at the sika deer in the beginning.

"This is too ridiculous. Back then, the sika deer did not have such strength. It was actually able to force out arrows with barbs. What kind of horse is this?"

The incident happened so suddenly that Chen Chen was a little confused for a moment. He did not have time to think about the deeper reason.

However, Chen Chen did not hesitate at all. He shot an arrow at the wildebeest. In a short while, more than ten arrows were inserted into the wildebeest's body.

The wildebeest also needed time to force out the arrows, but Chen Chen's arrows were very fast.

It was just that the power of these arrows was not as strong as the super-slim arrows, so they did not penetrate deep into the flesh.


Chen Chen shot another ten or so arrows. All he heard was the wildebeest's howl. It had completely evolved into a mutated beast.

Then it hit the bar that was blocking the horse and knocked the bee off its eyes.

The wildebeest had evolved into a mutant beast. Chen Chen then realized:

It turned out that it was not only at night that one could see the red eyes of the mutant beast. Chen Chen could see the bloody eyes of the wildebeest in broad daylight!

Chen Chen was also determined. He gritted his teeth and said, "My shelter's stone platform alone is one and a half meters high. I don't believe that you can jump one and a half meters and still have much impact. Ants kill elephants. If I use more arrows, I will exhaust you to death!"

Chen Chen's eyes became focused, and he began to aim at the deformed wildebeest.

The wildebeest continued to destroy and disperse the horses, and slowly moved toward the shelter.

Soon, the wildebeest was pierced with many arrows, and two of them went straight into the side of the wildebeest's face.

It was not that Chen Chen did not aim at the head, but the skull of the mutated wildebeest was too hard, deflecting the rest of the arrows.

The continuous shooting of arrows also made Chen Chen's archery skills more proficient and accurate.

After a short stalemate, Chen Chen's expression changed as he looked at his full-class interface.

He had just commanded the bees and kept accumulating, but at this critical moment, the liquid of the golden ball had been fully accumulated!

Chen Chen immediately felt it and discovered that the golden ball had two functions.

First, it could be used to directly add points to an existing class to increase the class level like how a carpenter would level up to a carpenter.

Second, the golden ball could be used to vaguely add points to a new class according to Chen Chen's wishes. This required him to think and have a certain understanding of the class he wanted to unlock.

For example, Chen Chen had a feeling that if he added points to archery, it was very likely that he would unlock the [Archer] class and improve his archery skills.

However, this kind of bonus was not something that could be done as he wished. Without the corresponding bit of experience, it was impossible for him to open a new class.

If Chen Chen wanted to add some dance-related classes, and he did not know anything about it, then he would only waste the golden ball.

Adding some carpenters would allow him to directly advance to the [Master Carpenter] class. However, Chen Chen felt that his current carpenter class was enough, so he did not add any points.

"Let's try adding a beekeeper. This gold class feels unusual." Chen Chen focused his gaze.

The beekeeper class that came with the start was the same as the full class panel. They were both gold, while the other two classes were only white.

After the Carpenter class leveled up, it was still white.

With a thought from Chen Chen, the small golden ball was about to be injected into the beekeeper class.

However, the little ball only moved slightly and then did not respond.

Chen Chen could feel that the Little golden ball's strength was not enough to add [Beekeeper] .

Chen Chen was a little shocked, "Are beekeepers so strong? Is it because their strength is not enough, or is this class already at the top?"

The wildebeest was still destroying the outside. Chen Chen did not hesitate. Seeing that he did not succeed, he immediately focused his attention on the [Scavenger] class.

The ability to search in the wild was productivity. These days, scavenger children were not as useful as beekeepers.

This time, there were no accidents. The liquid from the Golden Ball followed Chen Chen's thoughts and slowly poured into the scavenger.

The golden light surrounded the scavenger item. Soon, the light faded and a brand new class appeared.

[Wilderness Hunter]