126 Ravens and Programs

Over the next few days, Leonard had to find ways to keep the three ravens hidden in his room to avoid Fairmont's attention. After being infused with the Legend Power, these ravens grew very quickly, making it feel like they grew a month's worth in just one day.

Apart from their rapid growth, these ravens also ate a lot, consuming an average of a month's worth of ordinary raven food in just one day. After all, this was a world of energy conservation, and in order to grow, they needed a substantial amount of nourishment.

Fortunately, even when eating at full force, these creatures didn't consume too much overall, allowing Leonard to bring back raw meat without arousing Fairmont's suspicion.

After bringing the ravens back for a week, they had already grown as big as adult ravens that leave the nest. Indeed, with the sustenance from the Legend Power, these ravens really did grow a month's worth in a day.