456 Found Portrait

Leonard and his companions were searching for a small church located in a deserted small town, the golden cross on the church roof could be seen from far away in the distance of the town.

Like most other Japanese villages, this place was clearly suffering from the problem of an aging population, and Leonard hardly saw any young people under the age of 30 on the way here.

The situation had arisen partly because of the declining birthrate in Japan, leading to a decrease in the population. At the same time, big cities like Tokyo had such a huge attraction that young people were reluctant to stay in their hometowns.

As a result, not many young people would choose to stay in remote rural areas like these, and outsiders would not come either. The local population would then have a higher average age.

After parking their car, they quickly arrived at the church in the center of the village, but just as they were about to enter, they found a religious ceremony was being held inside.