675 target

Father Ben Muller suddenly fell, startling Leonard Ethan, but Leonard quickly calmed down and thought that this incident was not without warning. After all, Father Ben was getting old, and he had not been in good health after trekking in the wilderness.

So, it's not hard to understand that Father Ben suddenly fell ill due to his excitement at a time when his cardiovascular system was already weak during winter.

As Leonard Ethan pondered on this, Father Ben Muller gritted his teeth through the pain and stood up, then grabbed the information on the table and tossed it into the fireplace beside him.

Because the fireplace was very close to the table, Ben was quickly able to throw the objects that covered more than half of the table into the roaring flames.

"What's this? Destroying evidence?" Leonard frowned at Ben's frantic actions, especially since the distorted expression on Ben's face didn't look like one a clergyman should have.