959 City Historic Ruins

From the overall excavation, the ancient city named after the surrounding small Village of Mohen Zodaro had a very clear construction plan, and overall, the layout was scientific and reasonable, and it had certain features of a modern city.

The Entire City was rectangular, with the street blocks of the upper and lower towns separated by a grid pattern of streets, including wide avenues that run east-west and north-south.

Residential Housing was mostly two-story Buildings, with no windows on the street side to avoid dust and noise. Nearly every Residential Housing excavated had a bathroom, a toilet, and an Underground Drainage system connected to it.

In addition, most Residential Housings had a Courtyard at the center, with The Chambers around it. The impression was that the City was clean and beautiful, and the Residents lived a serene and comfortable life. This City had reached a high level of civilization,