Follow Me

Lu Ping and Bai Xiruo left the villa.

After they walked for a distance, Bai Xiruo suddenly said, "Mr. Lu, let's find a place to drink something." 

"What's the matter?" Lu Ping glanced at her.

Bai Xiruo smiled, "Well, I do have a few words to say to you." 

"Then let's talk outside. Why do we have to drink and spend money?" 

Lu Ping had just been "cheated"of 500 star dollars, so he was not in a good mood.

He did not want to go when he thought that his assets would be reduced again.

"I'll treat you" Bai Xiruo said.

Lu Ping shook his head, "Just say it here." 

This damn bore!

Bai Xiruo secretly gritted her teeth. However, since Lu Ping had made it so clear, she could not force him, so she just said, "I'm just reminding you to be careful of Huang Yiyi." 

Lu Ping raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you mean?"