Perfect Victory

Lu Ping stood beside the testing machine and looked at Cui Mengyao with a smile on his face.

Everyone's gaze also turned towards Cui Mengyao.

After all, what everyone was most concerned about was whether the class led by Lu Ping would be able to obtain first place in the overall results.

Under everyone's gaze, the little girl reached out and placed her hand on the hilt of her sword. She said softly, "There's a long road ahead, and only a sword can accompany you!" 

"What the hell? What is this girl talking about?" 

"I don't know. Is it a motto?" 

"What a silly little girl." 

The audience was at a loss, but in the next second, a cold light flashed and the steel sword was slashed out.

"Strike value: 39!" 

Seeing this value, everyone was stunned.

This value was too ruthless.

It must be known that most of the children in the other classes had around 10 points.