I Won’t Lower Myself to Their Level Again

Shi Tao left. When he left, he seemed to have aged ten years. He looked dejected. Lu Ping's attitude was very firm, not giving him any leeway.

Bai Xiruo and Lu Ping looked at his back as he left.

Bai Xiruo sighed, "I definitely didn't expect that outcome." 

Lu Ping curled his lips, "It seems that you didn't think highly of me in the first place. If you were teaching him, you would have taken him back, right?" 

With that, he said with a distant look, "If he just transferred the child, I might have asked Shi Hu to come back, but he shouldn't have released that video after he achieved his goal." 

Bai Xiruo smiled. "I have a missionion to ask you." 

"What is the missionion?" 

Bai Xiruo saw that there was no one around, so she moved closer to Lu Ping's ear and breathed out like an orchid. "Are you really that arrogant?" 

Well, this missionion was not easy to answer.