Inexplicable Transaction (1)

Lu Ping stood with his hands behind his back, looking like a god.

The flying sword next to him made everyone hold their breath and focus.

At this moment, many cultivators who had lost their flying swords had already flown out.

Seeing this spectacular and shocking scene, they all opened their mouths wide.

"My flying sword is here?!" 

"How did he activate my flying sword?" 

"Yo, can you give me back my sword?" 

"That's right. You don't have to use so many of them. We are neighbors. Can you give us back our flying swords?" 

"Why? There are only two opponents. Why are you making such a big fuss?" 

In the dark, Zheng He secretly recorded a video and sent it to Wu Xiaodong.

"Boss, it's a bit tricky. If we make a move now, I'm afraid there will be problems! The person who activated this secret technique is probably not ordinary! My flying sword is also controlled by him. This person is unfathomable."