All Gods and Buddhas are Dogs (2)

He knew very well which direction Lu Ping's home was in, although he didn't know the exact location.

He waited and waited. Finally, Lu Ping came out of the school.

Wang Yihu went up to him!

"Lu Ping!" He shouted.

Lu Ping, who was about to fly away, stopped.

He looked at Wang Yihu. This guy was wearing a pressed Chinese tunic suit and had neat short hair. It was obvious that he wasn't an ordinary person.

Wang Yihu had been the chief of the Binhai City Garrison Division for a long time, so he could be said to be very powerful.

He had just flown to Lu Ping's side when suddenly, an old man with a pointy mouth and saggy cheeks appeared. He wore a shabby monk robe and ran to Lu Ping's side.

"Little Lu! I've been waiting for you for a long time!" 

Lu Ping looked at him. Wasn't this Uncle Sun who had given him pointers?

He quickly smiled and said, "Uncle Sun, why are you here?"