Lie Flat (1)

Seeing that the two of them were greeting him, Lu Ping quickly introduced himself.

At this time, the few of them were chatting. Only then did Lu Ping know that these two female teachers already had their own cultivation partners.

But even so, Lu Ping, who had become a lone man, felt very uncomfortable.

He looked at the teaching supervisor's desk and prayed in his heart, "Please be a man..." 

As he was praying, a figure appeared at the door of the office!

Lu Ping's jaw dropped!

"Crazy... Supervisor Huang?" Lu Ping was so shocked that he almost blurted out that nickname again.

Huang Xiaoqi rolled her eyes.

With a cold face, she walked into the room with her hands behind her back and said coldly, "I'm the teaching supervisor, Huang Yiyi. I'll be in charge of supervising everyone's teaching progress from now on!" 

Everyone, including He Tiantian, quickly stood up and introduced themselves to her.