Kong Xuan’s Conjecture (2)

Huang Xiaoqi fell into silence.

Compared to these ancient gods, her cultivation was indeed not enough.

Kong Xuan said again, "And between me and Lu Ping, it's not manipulation! It's a cooperation! It's a trade! I gave him what he wanted, and he helped me to complete my goal!" 

"When will the great calamity of Heaven and Earth come?" Huang Xiaoqi asked, puzzled.

Even she didn't have any insider information about this kind of news.

Kong Xuan shook her head and said, "I don't know either. Maybe it'll be ten years, maybe a hundred years, maybe a thousand, or maybe tomorrow! When and how the great calamity will start is decided by the cultivation ancestor. We can only guess!" 

"Hehe... So you don't know anything either..." Huang Xiaoqi was a little disdainful.