Let’s Meet (2)

Huang Xiaoqi looked at Lu Ping and said with a smile, "Come, let me take a look at your Mountain Protecting formation!" 

Lu Ping opened his palm, and more than ten array flags appeared in his hand.

He threw them with force! The array flags expanded in the wind.

The array flags, which were only a few centimeters in size in Lu Ping's palm, instantly became more than ten meters tall.

The flags fluttered.

Then, a burst of green light burst out and flew away!

They landed in various places within a hundred miles.

Then, a green ball appeared in front of Lu Ping.

A huge light screen rose from within a hundred miles.

Lu Ping placed his palm on the green ball. Within a hundred miles, he was a god!

He was omnipotent!

He could control everything.

He knew everything within the formation. He could kill any living creature he wanted!

Within this hundred miles, there was a Nascent Soul stage beast!