The Appearance of the Phoenix (2)

Lu Ping went to the seaside park in Binhai City.

When he arrived at the park, he saw many people playing.

Lu Ping looked at his phone. There were still two hours before the agreed time!

He couldn't help it. Lu Ping was really nervous!

"Baby, I'm here. Did you leave yet?" 

Lu Ping sent a message.

Huang Xiaoqi quickly replied, "Why are you going so early? I haven't chosen my clothes yet! Wait for me for a while!" 

That's right, at this moment, Huang Xiaoqi was still struggling with what clothes to wear.

"This dress is a little too bright… Uh... No matter what, Hubby will be scared today..." 

Time passed by slowly.

Lu Ping was still waiting.

At this moment, someone recognized Lu Ping!

"Lu Chaotian!" 

"Wow, it really is him. is he waiting for someone?" 

"I think so. Let's go get an autograph and take a photo together!" 

Even cultivators chased after celebrities.