Trade (3)

However, Lu Ping's words were not accepted by the audience.

"No way? That's still not enough? With so many immortal spiritual stones and those top-grade spiritual herbs, if they were converted into star dollars, it should be at least hundreds of millions, right?" 

"That's right. Please give me one immortal spiritual stone, just one will do! Looking at the quality, it shouldn't be a problem to exchange one for a villa in our city." 

"I can't take it anymore, I want to become a disciple! Master, quickly take me in!" 

Lu Ping looked at the bullet screen that was running wildly.

He sighed helplessly. Indeed, in terms of star dollars, it was very valuable. However, with the increase in cultivation, the purchasing power of star dollars actually continued to decrease.

Especially after running with Huang Xiaoqi, star dollars was actually just a number.