Come to My Room (1)

At the Purple Firmament Palace, the Primordial Lord of Heaven stepped inside.

He met with Hong Jun.

The Primordial Lord of Heaven cupped his hands slightly, bowed, and said softly, "Greetings." 

Although Hong Jun had fused with the Heavenly Dao, it didn't mean that Hong Jun had become an emotionless machine.

He was still Hong Jun, but he was responsible for maintaining the entire universe.

"Sit." Hong Jun waved his sleeve, and a chessboard and two cups of hot tea appeared in front of the two of them.

Clearly, he wanted to play chess.

Yuan Shi, the Primordial Lord of Heaven, didn't stand on ceremony either. He went to the opposite side of the chessboard, picked up the fragrant tea on the table, and took a sip.

He then picked up the chess piece.

Hong Jun placed a stone down and said with a smile, "Hao Tian, after being the heavenly emperor for so many years, has been wronged."