Gao Zhen (1)

Huang Xiaoqi finished introducing herself.

She smiled at the group of disciples and said, "Today, I've gathered everyone here for a very simple purpose. As disciples of our sect, I've discussed with your master and decided to give you some help in cultivation." 

When she said this, everyone's eyes lit up!

Didn't everyone understand this good thing?

The audience in the live broadcast room were somewhat disappointed.

"What's so special about distributing cultivation resources? Many newly established sects will do it." 

"How boring..." 

At this moment, Huang Xiaoqi took out boxes of cultivation fluid from her storage ring.

She placed them on the table and said with a smile, "Outer sect disciples can have three bottles of grade A cultivation fluid each. Odd-job disciples can have two bottles of grade A cultivation fluid each!" 


Upon hearing this news, everyone was stunned.