If He Continued Reading, He Would Vomit (2)

Lu Ping said with a look of disdain, "Don't you know what comfort is? This is like buying a car. Other than a top-notch engine, the rest of your car is a beggar's version. I would rather have a slightly weaker engine but a slightly more comfortable one." 

"Hehe, ignorant brat. I can't be bothered with you. However, I really don't know where San Xiao Lives!" 


Lu Ping was dumbfounded.

Sun Wukong said helplessly, "Back then, I only met the three of them a few times. Although we know each other, we haven't even spoken for a while. How would I know where their cave abode is?" 

"Then what should we do now?" 

"Just find someone to ask!" 

Sun Wukong pulled Lu Ping, found a direction, and flew over.

Soon, the two of them arrived at an immortal mountain.

It was located on a mountain in the clouds.

Sun Wukong pulled Lu Ping in and shouted, "Old man! Old man!"