Merit and Benefits (1)

On Fengming Planet, Zi Baishan, Bai Xiangxiang, and Lu Ping returned together.

However, this time, their identities were completely different.

On Fengming Planet, Zi Baishan and Bai Xiangxiang followed Lu Ping to Binhai City.

The city's protection array was nothing to a great demon of this level.

"I'm hosting today as a welcome for the two of you. After all, the demon race will have to rely on you in the future." 

Although Lu Ping had teased Zi Baishan, he didn't show any arrogance after he came back.

The three soon arrived at a restaurant.

Lu Ping was recognized as soon as he entered.

After all, Lu Ping was famous now.

"Sect Master Lu, you didn't ascend? Aren't you also at the Immortal stage?" 

The restaurant owner asked in surprise.

One had to know that he was still very concerned about this matter.

Moreover, this matter could be said to be well-known on Fengming Planet due to Lu Ping's hard work.