Face Change (3)

"Go! If you want to know, go find a boyfriend." 

Huang Xiaoqi tried to chase this annoying brat away.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

It was Lin Yueyin. Lu Ping went to open the door, and Lin Yueyin entered. Looking at Huang Xiaoqi beside Lu Ping, a trace of disappointment flashed through her heart.

However, she didn't show it on her face, she said, "Gao Zhen, our disciple, who was imprisoned last time, said that he has a relative who is willing to donate a spirit stone mine as a condition to enter the sect. He hopes that he can become a disciple of the Seven Phoenixes sect. Here is the general situation of the spirit stone mine." 

After saying that, Lin Yueyin handed her phone to Lu Ping. There were some details of the spirit stone mine on it.

Lu Ping took it and looked at it briefly.

He touched his chin.