Old Man (2)

Lu Ping didn't know what Tongtian was thinking.

What he needed to do was to obtain the same benefits in the great calamity of Heaven and Earth while ensuring his own safety.

Everything else was nonsense.

Lu Ping looked at Bai Xiangxiang and said, "Contact Zi Baishan immediately. At the same time, tell him to contact all the other Immortal stage cultivators of the demon race who can be contacted to launch a counterattack against these Bhikkus!" 

"No, those who can't defeat them are of the same cultivation level, but their combat strength is completely different!" Bai Xiangxiang said in despair. "These monks are basically at the Heaven Immortal stage and above. Our cultivation level is completely incomparable to theirs. Even if our cultivation levels are almost the same, it won't be the same in a fight. Moreover, it's said that that Zi Baishan is already dead!" 
