Didn’t Want to Talk (2)

"I never thought that Fengming Planet would have such an expert! The Alms Bowl Arhat did not even manage to escape. Who is the opponent?" 

A Bhikku shook his head and said, "I don't know. We only received the news of the Arhat's death, and after that, there was no movement. It is likely that we fell into the enemy's hands together. We only know that the Alms Bowl Arhat went to wipe out a sect called the Seven Phoenixes sect." 

Hearing the Seven Phoenixes Sect, Sun Wukong, Kong Xuan, and Zhu Bajie's hearts jumped at the same time!

In fact, when the news of the Alms Bowl Arhat's death came back, the three of them already had some guesses in their hearts.

After all, the overall combat strength of the Fengming Planet cultivators was not high. The number of people who could pose a threat to the Alms Bowl Arhat could be counted on one hand.

Hearing the name of the Seven Phoenixes sect at this moment, it confirmed the person who made the move.