Action (2)

Li Qingyun quickly said, "Of course not. It's just that this fellow introduced me to the sect. I wanted to get rid of my relationship with him, so I killed him in front of the sect master!" 

Lu Ping shook his head and said with a smile, "Patriarch Qingyun, you are really ruthless to your own sect's disciples. Unfortunately, you won't live today!" 

Lu Ping laid out his cards. He couldn't be bothered to put on an act with a dead person. If he deserved to die, he had to die! 

Patriarch Qingyun's expression changed drastically. He looked at Lu Ping and forced a smile, "Master, what are you talking about? Why don't I know what you mean?" 

Seeing that he was pretending to be confused, Lu Ping didn't mind. 

At this time, Li Qingyun didn't have many choices. 

In the end, what could he do? 

Regardless of whether he resisted stubbornly or fled, their cultivation bases were so far apart that he didn't stand a chance.