Chapter 2: Cassandra

It was actually two dorm rooms that had a connecting door. We rearranged things so one side was used to eat, study, and watch television. The guys also shared the bathroom on that side. On the other side, we'd turned the living room area into a bedroom we shared. We had some funny moments late at night while sleeping. Anytime one of the guys would accidentally touch another, an argument broke out. Every argument eventually turned into ten minutes of laughing. Of course, I got the bathroom on that side all to myself. They didn't mind, and I cherished not having to share. I also pointed out to the guys that in the mornings, before they woke, the bed looked like a small tent city. They got a good laugh and then started sleeping on their stomachs.

I needed to let Ruby know we wouldn't be sharing a room during the semester, but it obviously needed to wait. She knew it would happen eventually.

"I guess you guys heard the headmaster is still away?" Nicolette said. The smile on her face suggested she thought she knew something we didn't. Of course, I'd heard the same rumor. Aurelius didn't deny or verify which told me it was true. I hoped the man never returned to campus. "I also heard we may be spending more time off campus than on." Again, Nicolette smiled like a spoiled child who'd let the cat out of the bag.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to a change," I said. "Hopefully we'll get to go somewhere exotic and train." I looked at Ruby. "You could have come back and trained with us."

"She did." Nicolette smirked when she saw my reaction.

"Okay." Confused, I shrugged and stared at Ruby who said nothing.

"She didn't want to interfere with the little harem thing you have going on." Nicolette giggled. She was loving the continual surprises.

I shook my head, frustrated. "You should have said something, Ruby. I wouldn't have cared. You know we consider you one of us."

"How could she?" Nicolette asked. "There's not room in your group for another girl."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you, Cassandra." Ruby glanced at Nicolette. "Nicolette was just helping me out." Her eyes diverted again, I felt like she wanted to tell me something, and maybe she would have if Nicolette had not been there. The guys and I would have to have a talk about Nicolette and what she should be privy to. I didn't want her running her mouth about things she shouldn't. I needed to figure out a filter spell to put over her mouth.

A crowd of students drew our attention toward the admin building where two busloads were making their way toward the auditorium. Georgie was doing his best to direct them.

"After all that's happened, I'm surprised students still want to come here," Nicolette said.

"And look how young they are."

"You were like that once." I looked over the crowd of students and then noticed a couple of familiar faces who didn't look so young. Ren had said a few students escaped the guild before it was destroyed by Edius. He also said I knew some of those students.

I started toward the two students, but they were swept into the mass, walking toward assembly. I needed to wait for the guys anyway.

"Going to assembly, ladies?"

"Yes, Lars," Nicolette said to the guy. His acne still had not cleared up from last semester. The guy had an unwavering crush on Nicolette. The more she treated him like shit, the more he liked her. It made no sense to me.

"You can join us if ya like," he offered. He did his best to look cool but failed miserably. At least he was trying.

"Cold day in hell." Nicolette turned away from him and looked at Ruby and I. "The nerd will not leave me alone. He thinks I might someday actually like him. Guys are such a pain in the ass."

I highly doubted she would ever like anyone and wished Lars would look elsewhere. He was a nice guy and deserved someone just as nice. He walked on with his group of friends, dejection on his face.

"He was just being nice," I said.

"He can be nice to someone else. I'm not interested in a ball and chain." Nicolette looked at her watch. "We're going to be late."

"We should go," Ruby said and started away.

"I need to wait for the guys. They're supposed to meet me here."

"Then you'll be walking in late." Nicolette loved to point out the obvious.

"Come on and join us," Ruby offered. "They'll find you inside."

I nodded at Ruby and ignored Nicolette's smirk. Not the way I was hoping the semester would begin.

"So, you going to tell her?" Nicolette prodded.

"Of course," I said. "I was waiting for you to stop talking."

"Tell me that you and the guys moved in together?" Ruby acted neither surprised nor offended. But she did see our surprise that she knew. "I work in the admin building, remember? I saw the housing application. I knew you would eventually and no, it doesn't bother me."

The two stared at me when I stopped in front of the auditorium.

"What's wrong?" Nicolette looked at the sky with me and then looked around campus as I did.

Ruby touched my arm and then jerked her hand away. "What's wrong, Cass?"

"I'm not sure. But something isn't right. I can feel negative energy surging in from all directions." A chill shot up my arms, and I shivered. "They need to cancel the assembly."

Nicolette laughed. "That's not happening."

Edius was near. Maybe not on campus, but he watched from somewhere.

"It's okay," Ruby said calmly.

I shook my head. "It's really not."