Chapter 22: Cassandra

For the second day in a row, I got up first while everyone else slept. Boys would be boys, and I liked some quiet time anyway.

I pushed back the window curtains and could just make out dawn edging toward the eastern sky. Oliver, Dash, and Braeden returned to the room just before two and although I was awake, I kept my eyes closed, trying to avoid a late-night argument. They didn't say a word in the room and all three went straight to sleep.

Still not knowing what to do about Oliver, I tossed and turned most of the night, elbowing both Kyler and Braeden several times. I also dreaded training with Nicolette again. She seemed to love showing me up in front of the guys. Though she liked all the guys, Oliver had become her main target. I would definitely ask him if they were a thing back in their kingdom.