Chapter 24: Cassandra

A week passed before I felt like talking to anyone other than the guys. Luckily, the other students on campus knew to stay away from me and to keep their comments to themselves. The poison Edius had administered during my dream still hung in my body, zapping my energy, but not my spirits. I knew what I needed to do when the time came. When you were underestimated, you gained an advantage, and I was counting on using that advantage.

I took the back way to the classroom building and found the Crowley munching on flowers in the garden. "The groundkeepers will shoot you if they see you eating the campus flowers."

"Pfft, those old farts can barely see straight. They would end up destroying the garden while I sat here and continued to eat." He tossed away the flower stem and hopped over to a flower I'd never seen before. "Are you still having headaches?"