Millie, Lyka, and Myself

After the tanker mission, the little bit of things that I got from both Millie and Lyka were quire something generous if I had to say so myself. Basically, what I meant was that I got praised by both of them thanks to my performance in the previous mission. So, here, practically, I was quite useful for a newbie, that was.

"Yeah, for a gunner, he is quite decent, to be entirely honest, Millie," Lyka commented.

"I don't know whether that is an understatement of not. Sure, your tank is one of the most overpowered things that a ground force can own, but, gunnery surely has something to do with your large amount of kill, right?" Millie said as she sipped on the tea on the base canteen.

That tank had everything on it, starting from a 30mm cannon, a .50 BMG co-axial machine gun turret, alongside with a 140mm cannon with an autoloader that could switch ammunition on the go.