So This Is The Culprit?

Officially, counted from today, Saturday, 13th of [REDACTED] 2XXX, Operation [REDACTED] would officially be commenced by SOCOM unit, [REDACTED]. Operational details frome previous unit shall be transferred before Monday, 27 of [REDACTED] 2XXX.


Special Operation Command

That was the letter sent to the safe house last night. Every single document needed to hunt down Parafable had gone to the military and they would eventually take care of it. Adams, Dean, Lanza, and Lirza finally took a breather after non-stop trying to figure out what Parafable was.

For now, they considered it to be one of the major terrorist organization operation on North America with its reach expanding even to Eurasian continent. There was a trace of their operation in former Russian Federation territory. However, since it was out of North American Federation territory, NAF wouldn't investigate it without the permission from Agency of Internal Security, or Agent·stvo vnutrenney bezopasnosti aka