New Mission, Again

I put Albert's pencil on the table after copying all of the twenty pages that Albert gave me. The pencil should have been smoking thanks to the number of letters, circles, and lines that I drew on my grimoire. I only manage to gather three spells from that utility section, and that's around twenty pages in total.

[Small Ice Machete]

Activation: Swinging motion to the right or left lower part of the body using one of the hands while shouting "Elemental Machete!"

Deactivation: Sheathing motion to the hip while holding or dropping the machete.

One thing that I notice, besides the complicated rune, is that the activation command for each spell seems to be customizable for each person. I just copy what is written by Albert in his grimoire. I swing my left hand to the bottom of my body while shouting, "Elemental Machete!"