Referee: for the next fight is

Amaterasu vs Tsukuyomi

Izanagi: oh no

Susanno: wait what

Amaterasu: let's do this

Tsukuyomi:your fodder against me




… GO

Amaterasu shots 46 fire balls*

Tsukuyomi blocks with steel shield*

Amaterasu shots 50 fire balls and jumps in the air*

Tsukuyomi both sleeves are burned off*

Amaterasu uses rose fire and warps fire around tsukuyomi throwing him*

Tsukuyomi levitates and uses 100 wood hand barrage*

Amaterasu looks knocked out*

Amaterasu stands up limping *

Amaterasu uses last resort hell flame

Shoots full power at him*

Burns tsukuyomi shirt off and is burned badly

Referee:Tsukuyomi wins

The medical group takes tsukuyomi and heals him

After 50 fights of the rest of competition and 2 hours later

The final members who will be having matches and the five who win get a rank the candidates are











First match Stark vs yami

Stark ability of smoke

Yami ability of animals

Stark: you know you gon lose right

Yami: I clap you

Stark stomps foot and fogs up the place

Stark punches yami

Yami summon 50 dog

The dogs bark at where stark is

Yami summons gorilla to punch stark

Stark puts smoke in gorillas lungs and kills him

Yami cover his nose and holds his breath

Dogs bark at stark

Yami punches stark

Stark kicks him in his head

Yami summons 10 gorillas

All ten gorillas attack stark

Stark jumps in the air and drop kicks yami

Gorillas run at stark

Stark dodged and gorilla beat up yami

Dogs disappear

Gorilla disappear

Stark clears smoke

Referee: stark wins yami disqualified

Next match

Hinata vs Amaterasu

Hinata ability of water

Amaterasu ability of fire

Hinata uses water whip

Amaterasu stop with fire Barrier

Stark blushes* she amazing

Susanno: back off my sister

Stark continues to blush and daydream*

Amaterasu does a fire kicks to stomach*

Hinata uses water blades and tries to cut Amaterasu*

Amaterasu grabs both arm and knees her stomach*

Stark face turns red*

Susanno rolls eyes*

Amaterasu kicks her neck

Hinata blinds her with water

Amaterasu wipes water away and punches her in neck knocking her out*

Amaterasu winsssssss

Hinata will not be disqualified because it was a close match and she is not knocked out