I have to get stronger

Everyone wakes up*

The matches where cancelled and the remaining few passed

Yami:this isn't fair

Susanno: I have to get stronger someway

Izanagi: I know one of my students who can train you his has the ability of wind and can teach you amazing thing you can bring two of the people who passed aswell

Susanno:Stark and hinata

Izanagi:tsukuyomi Amaterasu?

Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu: same

After walking for 2 weeks

An old man comes and say so your my teachers participates I will teach you ki

Susanno:what's your name sir


Kaname:so first out your hands together and focus and when start feeling a boost in energy you learned the basic

All of them:yes kaname sensei

All of their hands start to glow except susanno's

Kaname:when you feel the energy open your eyes and shoot the energy at that mountain

All of them except susanno: shoots ki*

Susanno feels the energy*

Shoots ki at mountain*

Destroys mountain

Kaname: impressive

Kaname:now that you learned the basics you should have a boost in power

Amaterasu: mixs fire and ki shoot a fire blast*


Stark: shoots smoke blast*

Hinata:shoots water blast*

Tsukuyomi: shoot wood and steel blast*


Susanno: the real question is can you help me try to master mg anger mode

Kaname:I'll try

Kaname:ok focus all that negativity and when you feel it's taking over stop

Susanno:ok old man

Susanno does it and unlocks 25% of his dark power

Susanno: I feel 20x stronger

Mysterious man: pops up with yami by him*

Mysterious man:just a little more and you'll achieve the power and you should check up on your grandpa


Susanno: you monsters

Susanno grabs yami and punches him 50 times and kicks him in the stomach*

Mysterious man and yami vanish while smiling*

Susanno:I'll kill them they need to die

Amaterasu: burst in flames

Tsukuyomi: no more sparing them

Hinata and stark:we will help you

All of them: when we see them there dead